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Basic Configuration

Let's start with a simple example that reads a JSON config file and uses it to configure @timeout for the start step:

import time
from metaflow import FlowSpec, step, Config, timeout

class TimeoutConfigFlow(FlowSpec):
config = Config("config", default="myconfig.json")

def start(self):
print(f"timing out after {self.config.timeout} seconds")

def end(self):
print("full config", self.config)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Save the flow as and create a small config file, myconfig.json, in the same directory with contents like this:

{"timeout": 5}

You can run the flow as usual:

python run

The flow should fail, as the step takes longer than 5 seconds to execute. To make the flow succeed, increase the timeout value in the config file to 10 and re-run the flow.

Accessing config keys

As shown above, you can use values from the config to parametrize decorators: Just refer to the config name and a key in the config with a dot notation, as in @timeout(seconds=config.timeout). Since decorators exist outside the methods, you don't need to refer to self when using configs in decorators. Flow-level decorators like @schedule and @trigger need a different style, which is covered below.

When using configs inside methods, they behave like any other artifacts as shows by the print statement referring to self.config.timeout. You can treat configs as dictionaries or JSON objects, although inside the flow they are wrapped in a ConfigValue object that allows you to use the dot notation to refer to its keys. Note that config artifacts are read-only, similar to Parameters.

If you want to inspect a config of a previous run, you can use the Client API to fetch the corresponding artifact. You can try this e.g. in a notebook:


This will output a dictionary, {'timeout': 5}.


Regardless of their original format, configs are parsed and used as nested dictionaries. If you want to use the dot notation to access keys, ensure that your keys are valid Python identifiers, i.e. they contain only alphanumberic characters and underscores. Otherwise you can access keys using the usual square brackets, e.g. config['my special value!'].

Defining config files

In the above example, the config was read from the default config file, myconfig.json. You can define another config file, say myconfig2.json, on the command line:

python --config config myconfig2.json run

The --config option comes before run as it affects all commands, not just run. It takes two options: The name of the Config to disambiguate between multiple Configs in a flow and the corresponding config file.

Instead of a file, you can pass the full config on the command line:

python --config-value config '{"timeout": 3}' run

It is a good idea to use single quotes around the config value, to prevent the shell from trying to parse the value. You can define multiple --config and --config-value options if you have multiple Configs in your flow.

Alternatively, you can define the options through environment variables, METAFLOW_FLOW_CONFIG and METAFLOW_FLOW_CONFIG_VALUE, which take a JSON object as their value, mapping config names to their values. For instance:

METAFLOW_FLOW_CONFIG_VALUE='{"config": {"timeout": 3}}' python run

If your application needs multiple, hierarchical config files, you can use a configuration management system like OmegaConf or Hydra to prepare them for Metaflow. See Parsing Configs and Config-Driven Experimentation for examples.

Running remotely

If you have configured a remote compute backend for Metaflow, @batch or @kubernetes, you can run the example remotely as usual. For instance:

python --config config myconfig2.json run --with kubernetes

Notably the config files are evaluated and included prior to executing anything remotely, so no extra effort is needed in packaging the configs together with the code.

Configuring flow-level decorators

Consider this example that configures its software dependencies via @pypi_base and a @trigger policy via a Config:

from metaflow import FlowSpec, step, Config, trigger, pypi_base,\
config_expr, card, current
from import Table

class TopLevelConfigFlow(FlowSpec):

config = Config("config", default="myconfig.json")

def start(self):
import pandas as pd
self.df = pd.DataFrame({"col": ["first", "second", "third"]})

def end(self):
print("outputing dataframe", self.df)

if __name__ == "__main__":

The corresponding config file, myconfig.json can look like this:

"event": "some_custom_event",
"packages": {
"pandas": "2.2.3",
"pyarrow": "18.1.0"

Python's variable visibility rules prevent the config variable defined within the flow from being accessible outside of it. Hence, outside the flow we must refer to configs indirectly through the config_expr utility which wraps the dot notation for late evaluation.

Other than this detail, the configs work the same way. You can run the example, taking into account that it will install dependencies on the fly with --environment=pypi:

python --environment=pypi run

Deploying configs to production

To see configurable @triggers in action, you can deploy the above example to Argo Workflows:

python --environment=pypi argo-workflows create

Configs are evaluated and snapshot during the deployment, as this command executes. Changes in config files won't affect any existing deployment. Also all the decorator values become fixed at this point, allowing the deployment to execute as per defined in the configs.

Use the Client API to inspect configs attached to existing production runs.

Mixing Configs and Parameters

As outlined in the introduction, Configs and Parameters serve different roles in flows - they can happily co-exist. Since Configs are evaluated before Parameters, you can use them to set defaults to Parameters, as exemplified here:

import time
from metaflow import FlowSpec, step, card, current, Config, Parameter, config_expr
from import Image

BASE = ""

class ConfigurablePhotoFlow(FlowSpec):
cfg = Config("config", default="photo_config.json")
id = Parameter("id",
size = Parameter("size", default=cfg.size)

def start(self):
import requests

params = {k: v for k, v in if v}
self.url = f"{BASE}/{}/{self.size}/{self.size}"
img = requests.get(self.url, params)

def end(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":

The corresponding config, photo_config.json looks like this:

"id": 1084,
"size": 400,
"style": {
"grayscale": true,
"blur": 2

In this case, we use the config to define how our application should behave - all photos should be slightly blur'red and grayscale - but the user is able to pick a photo id and determine its size.

When you are testing the flow locally, you can adjust both Configs and Parameters easily like here:

python \
--config-value config '{"id": 1, "size": 1, "style": {"grayscale": false, "blur": 0}}' \
run --id 50 --size 600

In this case, the config defines defaults for the two Parameters, id and size, which we then set on the command line. You can see the photo included in a @card with

python card view start  

When you deploy the flow to production, the difference between Config and Parameter becomes clear:

python argo-workflows create

You can now start a production run, either through the CLI or on the UI, but you can only change Parameters, here id and size, nothing in the deployment-time Config, as shown in this screencast: