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Requesting Compute Resources

You can run any Metaflow flow in the cloud simply by adding an option on the command line:

$ python run --with kubernetes

When you add --with kubernetes (for Kubernetes) or --with batch (for AWS Batch) on the command line (depending on your deployment), Metaflow runs the flow on the chosen compute backend.

Every step gets allocated a modest amount of resources by default - around 1 CPU core and 4GB of RAM. If your step needs more CPU cores, memory, disk, or more GPUs (or other hardware accelerators), annotate your resource requirements with the @resources decorator.

Another benefit of @resources is that it allows you to move smoothly between local development and the cloud. The decorator doesn't have an effect for local runs, but when combined with --with kubernetes or --with batch, you can use the flow to handle bigger models or more data without changing anything in the code. Note that production deployments always run in the cloud, respecting @resources requirements.


Note that @kubernetes can target any Kubernetes cluster, including on-premise clusters. For brevity, we use the term the cloud to refer to all compute backends.


Consider the following example:

from metaflow import FlowSpec, step, resources

class BigSum(FlowSpec):

@resources(memory=60000, cpu=1)
def start(self):
import numpy
import time
big_matrix = numpy.random.ranf((80000, 80000))
t = time.time()
self.sum = numpy.sum(big_matrix)
self.took = time.time() - t

def end(self):
print("The sum is %f." % self.sum)
print("Computing it took %dms." % (self.took * 1000))

if __name__ == '__main__':

This example creates a huge 80000x80000 random matrix, big_matrix. The matrix requires about 80000^2 * 8 bytes = 48GB of memory.

If you attempt to run this on your local machine, it is likely that the following will happen:

$ python run

2019-11-29 02:43:39.689 [5/start/21975 (pid 83812)] File "", line 11, in start
2018-11-29 02:43:39.689 [5/start/21975 (pid 83812)] big_matrix = numpy.random.ranf((80000, 80000))
2018-11-29 02:43:39.689 [5/start/21975 (pid 83812)] File "mtrand.pyx", line 856, in mtrand.RandomState.random_sample
2018-11-29 02:43:39.689 [5/start/21975 (pid 83812)] File "mtrand.pyx", line 167, in mtrand.cont0_array
2018-11-29 02:43:39.689 [5/start/21975 (pid 83812)] MemoryError
2018-11-29 02:43:39.689 [5/start/21975 (pid 83812)]
2018-11-29 02:43:39.844 [5/start/21975 (pid 83812)] Task failed.
2018-11-29 02:43:39.844 Workflow failed.
Step failure:
Step start (task-id 21975) failed.

This fails quickly due to a MemoryError on most laptops as we are unable to allocate 48GB of memory.

The @resources decorator suggests resource requirements for a step. The memory argument specifies the amount of RAM in megabytes and cpu the number of CPU cores requested. It does not produce the resources magically, which is why the run above failed. The @resources decorator takes effect only when combined with another decorator that describes what compute platform, like Kubernetes or AWS Batch, to use.

Let's use the --with option to attach a desired decorator to all steps on the command line. Choose one of the commands in the tabs below corresponding to whichever you use- Kubernetes or AWS Batch. This assumes that you have configured one of these systems work with Metaflow.

$ python run --with kubernetes

The --with batch or --with kubernetes option instructs Metaflow to run all tasks as separate jobs on the chosen compute platform, instead of using a local process for each task. It has the same effect as adding the decorator above all steps in the source code.

This time the run should succeed thanks to the large enough instance, assuming a large enough instance is available in your compute environment. In this case the resources decorator is used as a prescription for the size of the instance that the job should run on. Make sure that this resource requirement can be met. If a large enough instance is not available, the task won't start executing.

You should see an output like this:

The sum is 3200003911.795288.
Computing it took 4497ms.

In addition to cpu and memory you can specify gpu=N to request N GPUs for the instance.

Moving between compute environments

Metaflow makes it easy to mix and match compute environments. You can move from local prototyping to cloud execution easily, but also mix different cloud compute backends fluidly.

Mixing local and remote compute

The resources decorator is an annotation that signals how much resources are required by a step. By itself, it does not force the step to be executed on any particular platform. This is convenient as you can make the choice later, executing the same flow on different environments without changes.

For instance, we can take the above example and replace @resources with @batch (or @kubernetes):

from metaflow import FlowSpec, step, resources

class BigSum(FlowSpec):

@batch(memory=60000, cpu=1)
def start(self):
import numpy
import time
big_matrix = numpy.random.ranf((80000, 80000))
t = time.time()
self.sum = numpy.sum(big_matrix)
self.took = time.time() - t

def end(self):
print("The sum is %f." % self.sum)
print("Computing it took %dms." % (self.took * 1000))

if __name__ == '__main__':

In contrast to @resources, the @batch decorator (and @kubernetes) forces the step to be executed remotely. Run the flow without --with option:

$ python run

You will see that the start step gets executed on AWS Batch but the end step, which does not need special resources, is executed locally.


Mixing local and remote steps can speed up development cycles, as you can execute some steps locally with minimal overhead, even accessing local files, while executing only demanding steps in the cloud. Metaflow takes care of moving data between the environments automatically.

Mixing cloud environments

You can mix and match @resources, @batch, and @kubernetes freely, which makes it possible to create advanced workflows that leverage multiple compute environments from workstations and on-prem data centers to the public cloud. Just set up your Metaflow stack to support all the environments you want to use.

As a hypothetical example, consider this flow that mixes local compute, on-prem compute, and various forms of cloud compute:

import random
from metaflow import FlowSpec, step, resources, kubernetes, card

class HybridCloudFlow(FlowSpec):

def start(self):
self.countries = ['US', 'BR', 'IT']
self.shards = {country: open(f'{country}.data').read()
for country in self.countries}, foreach='countries')

def prepare_data(self):
print('processing a shard of data', self.shards[self.input])

@batch(gpu=2, queue='gpu-queue')
def train(self):
print('training model...')
self.score = random.randint(0, 10) = self.input

@batch(memory=16000, queue='cpu-queue')
def join(self, inputs): = max(inputs, key=lambda x: x.score).country

def end(self):
print(, 'produced best results')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Here's an illustration of the flow:

  1. start executes locally, loading local files for processing. Data is separated in three shards, one for each country.

  2. prepare_data leverages an on-prem Kubernetes cluster to preprocess data, say, due to data privacy reasons.

  3. train uses cloud GPUs to train a model per country in parallel.

  4. join loads the models in a high-memory cloud instance, evaluates them, and chooses the best performing country.

  5. end fetches the results back to the local laptop.

Metaflow takes care of packaging code automatically, it removes the need to move data manually, and it tracks all metadata consistently, across the environments.