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Internals of Dependency Management

Behind the scenes, Metaflow does much more than just wrapping CLI commands such as pip install or conda install:

  • It creates isolated virtual environments for every step on the fly, automatically, caching them for future use.
  • It supports pinning of the python interpreter version which pip doesn't support natively.
  • It resolves the full dependency graph of every step, locking the graph for stability and reproducibility, storing the metadata for auditing.
  • It ships the locally resolved environment for remote execution, even when the remote environment uses a different operating system and CPU architecture than the client (OS X vs. Linux).
  • It snapshots all packages in the datastore, making it possible to rehydrate environments in even thousands of parallel containers, which would cause hiccups with parallel pip installs.

For even more features, see Netflix's Metaflow Extensions which contain even more featureful @pypi and @conda.

How @pypi and @conda work

Here's what happens under the hood when you specify --environment=pypi or --environment=conda. Both the options work the same way, as illustrated by this diagram:

package ecosystem

Let's go over the operation following the blue steps, starting at the top:

  1. Local .py files and others specified by --package-suffixes are packaged in a code package as usual.

  2. When using @pypi or @conda, every step gets its own virtual environment.

    • If two steps have the same exact set of packages, the environment is reused across the steps.
    • The environment is created using mamba and the desired version of python is installed.
    • For step-specific dependency resolution, @pypi invokes pip, whereas @conda uses mamba.
    • The full list of exact packages aka "a lockfile" is stored in the code package corresponding to a run or a deployment.
  3. Once a full list of packages has been created for each step, packages are downloaded in parallel and stored locally.

  4. The packages are uploaded in the Metaflow datastore, e.g. S3 in the case of AWS-based configuration. This ensures that remote tasks won't need to download packages repeatedly and redundantly from an upstream package repository.

This completes operations on the client side. The code package together with the cached packages in the datastore contain a complete, isolated environment for each step which is needed to execute its tasks.

Runtime operation

When @pypi / @conda -enabled tasks execute remotely, we start by setting up an empty virtual environment with mamba, download the cached packages from the datastore, and unpack them in the environment. The code package is unpacked to make local dependencies available.

After this, the task is executed in an environment that contains exactly the specified packages. Nothing more, nothing less.