Episode 3: Playlist Redux
Use Metaflow to load the statistics generated from Episode 2 Is this Data Science and recommend movies from a genre with the highest median gross box office
- Using data artifacts generated from other flows.
Before playing this episode:
Run 'Episode 02-statistics: Is this Data Science?'
To play this episode:
If you haven't yet pulled the tutorials to your current working directory, you can follow the instructions here.
cd tutorials/03-playlist-redux
Rscript playlist.R show
Rscript playlist.R run
In this PlayListReduxFlow
, we reuse the genre median gross box office statistics
computed from MoviesStatsFlow
, pick the genre with the highest median gross box
office, and create a randomized playlist of movies of this picked genre.
# Use the Metaflow client to retrieve the latest successful run from our
# MovieStatsFlow and assign them as data artifacts in this flow.
start <- function(self){
# Loads the movie data into a data frame
self$df <- read.csv("./movies.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
message("Using metadata provider: ", get_metadata())
flow <- flow_client$new("MovieStatsFlow")
run <- run_client$new(flow, flow$latest_successful_run)
message("Using analysis from: ", run$pathspec)
self$genre_stats <- run$artifact("stats")
# Pick some movies from the genre with highest median gross box office
# which we calculated in MovieStatsFlow
pick_movie <- function(self){
sort_order <- order(self$genre_stats$median, decreasing=TRUE)
sorted_stats <- self$genre_stats[sort_order, ]
self$picked_genre <- sorted_stats$genres[1]
message("Picked genre: ", self$picked_genre, " with the highest median gross box office.")
# generate a randomized playlist of titles of the picked genre
movie_by_genre <- self$df[self$df$genre == self$picked_genre, ]
shuffled_rows <- sample(nrow(movie_by_genre))
self$playlist <- movie_by_genre[shuffled_rows, ]
# Print out the picked movies
end <- function(self){
message("Playlist for movies in picked genre: ", self$picked_genre)
for (i in 1:nrow(self$playlist)){
message(sprintf("Pick %d: %s", i, self$playlist$movie_title[i]))
if (i >= self$top_k) break;
metaflow("PlayListReduxFlow") %>%
help = "The number of movies to recommend in the playlist.",
default = 5,
type = "int") %>%
step(step = "start",
r_function = start,
next_step = "pick_movie") %>%
step(step = "pick_movie",
r_function = pick_movie,
next_step = "end") %>%
step(step = "end",
r_function = end) %>%