Episode 2: Statistics
Use Metaflow to load the movie metadata CSV file into a data frame and compute some movie genre-specific statistics. These statistics are then used in later examples to improve our playlist generator.
You can optionally use the Metaflow client to eyeball the results in a Markdown Notebook, and make some simple plots.
- Fan-out over a set of parameters using Metaflow foreach.
- Plotting results in a Markdown Notebook.
To play this episode:
If you haven't yet pulled the tutorials to your current working directory, you can follow the instructions here.
cd tutorials/02-statistics
Rscript stats.R show
Rscript stats.R run
- Open
in RStudio
The dataset movies.csv
is the same one as in Episode 01, which looks like this The
dataset looks like this
movie_title | title_year | genre | gross |
Avatar | 2009 | Sci-Fi | 760505847 |
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End | 2007 | Fantasy | 309404152 |
Spectre | 2015 | Thriller | 200074175 |
... | ... | ... | ... |
The MovieStatsFlow
below performs the following steps:
- Ingests a CSV into a data frame.
- Fan-out over genre using Metaflow foreach.
- Compute median and mean for each genre.
- Save a data frame of genre-specific statistics.
# The start step:
start <- function(self){
# Loads the movie data into a data frame
self$df <- read.csv("./movies.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# find all unique genres
self$genres <- levels(as.factor(self$df$genre))
# Compute statistics for a single genre.
compute_stats <- function(self){
self$genre <- self$input
message("Computing statistics for ", self$genre)
# Find all the movies that have this genre
self$df_by_genre <- self$df[self$df$genre == self$genre, ]
gross <- self$df_by_genre$gross
# Get some statistics on the gross box office for these titles.
self$median <- median(gross)
self$mean <- mean(gross)
# Join our parallel branches and merge results into a data frame.
join <- function(self, inputs){
self$stats <- data.frame(
"genres" = unlist(lapply(inputs, function(inp){inp$genre})),
"median" = unlist(lapply(inputs, function(inp){inp$median})),
"mean" = unlist(lapply(inputs, function(inp){inp$mean})))
metaflow("MovieStatsFlow") %>%
step(step = "start",
r_function = start,
next_step = "compute_stats",
foreach = "genres") %>%
step(step = "compute_stats",
r_function = compute_stats,
next_step = "join") %>%
step(step = "join",
r_function = join,
next_step = "end",
join = TRUE) %>%
step(step = "end") %>%