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The @step decorator converts a method to a step of a flow.

Use @step to construct Metaflow workflows. For more information, see Basics of Metaflow.

from metaflow import step

Marks a method in a FlowSpec as a Metaflow Step. Note that this decorator needs to be placed as close to the method as possible (ie: before other decorators).

In other words, this is valid:

def foo(self):

whereas this is not:

def foo(self):

f: Union[Callable[[FlowSpecDerived], None], Callable[[FlowSpecDerived, Any], None]]

Function to make into a Metaflow Step


Union[Callable[[FlowSpecDerived, StepFlag], None], Callable[[FlowSpecDerived, Any, StepFlag], None]]

Function that is a Metaflow Step