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Episode 5: Statistics Redux

This example revisits Episode 02-statistics: Is this Data Science?.

With Metaflow, you don't need to make any code changes to scale up your flow by running on remote compute. In this example we re-run the stats.R workflow adding the --with batch command line argument. This instructs Metaflow to run all your steps on AWS batch without changing any code. You can control the behavior with additional arguments, like --max-workers. For this example, --max-workers is used to limit the number of parallel genre-specific statistics computations. You can then access the data artifacts (even the local CSV file) from anywhere because the data is being stored in AWS S3.


  • --with batch command line option
  • --max-workers command line option
  • Accessing data artifact stored in AWS S3 from a local Markdown Notebook.

Before playing this episode:

Configure your sandbox.

To play this episode:

If you haven't yet pulled the tutorials to your current working directory, you can follow the instructions here.

  1. cd tutorials/02-statistics/
  2. Rscript stats.R --package-suffixes=.R,.csv run --with batch --max-workers 4
  3. Open 02-statistics/stats.Rmd in your RStudio and re-run the cells. You can access the artifacts stored in AWS S3 from your local RStudio session.