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Scaling Out and Up

From a usability point of view, it is hard to beat the convenience of writing and running a straightforward script in the comfort of your favorite IDE and a local terminal. Since one of the core values of Metaflow is usability, we encourage you to start with this easy approach and not worry about scalability until it becomes an issue.

Instead of providing magical abstractions or a new paradigm for scalability, Metaflow provides a set of easy-to-use tools that help you to make your code scalable depending on your specific needs.

The scalability tools fall into three categories:

Performance Optimization: You can improve performance of your code by utilizing off-the-shelf, high-performance libraries such as XGboost or Tensorflow. Sometimes, it is appropriate to implement a custom algorithm in a high-performance language such as C++ which can be called from your Metaflow steps. Or, as a happy medium between low-performance but productive R and a fast but tedious C++, you may be able to use a compiler such as Rcpp to speed up your code.

Scaling Up: One should not underestimate the horsepower of modern large server type machine. It is sometimes worth considering running on a larger machine prior to trying anything else.

Scaling Out: Metaflow also integrates with Batch from AWS allowing you to parallelize your steps over an arbitrarily large number of Batch jobs, giving you access to virtually unlimited amount of computing power.

It is hard to be prescriptive about which of the three categories is most suitable for your problem. Often, the answer is a combination of the three. In general, start with the approach that is the easiest to implement and keep iterating until the performance is satisfactory.

This section focuses specifically on using Batch to scale up and out: you can use Batch to request a larger instance to run your step as well as use it to parallelize your steps over multiple instances. This section requires you to have Metaflow working with AWS. See the AWS section for more information on either setting up Metaflow in your own AWS environment or using the provided sandbox.

This section presents the tools available in Metaflow for scaling up and out.

Requesting resources with resources decorator

Consider the following example:


start <- function(self) {
big_matrix <- matrix(rexp(80000*80000), 80000)
self$sum <- sum(big_matrix)

end <- function(self) {
"sum is: ", self$sum

metaflow("BigSumFlowR") %>%
decorator("resources", memory=60000, cpu=1),
step = "start",
r_function = start,
next_step = "end"
) %>%
step = "end",
r_function = end
) %>%

This example creates a huge 80000x80000 random matrix, big_matrix. The matrix requires about 80000^2 * 8 bytes = 48GB of memory.

If you attempt to run this on your local machine, it is likely that the following will happen:

Evaluation error: vector memory exhausted (limit reached?).

This fails quickly due to a MemoryError on most laptops as we are unable to allocate 48GB of memory.

The resources decorator suggests resource requirements for a step. The memory argument specifies the amount of RAM in megabytes and cpu the number of CPU cores requested. It does not produce the resources magically, which is why the run above failed.

Using AWS Batch

The resources decorator gains all its power in collaboration with Batch execution. Note that for this section, you will need to have Metaflow working in an AWS cloud environment (either having deployed it yourself or running in the Metaflow sandbox)

With the following command, you instruct Metaflow to run all your steps on AWS Batch:

Rscript bigsumflow.R run --with batch

The --with batch option instructs Metaflow to run all tasks as separate AWS Batch jobs, instead of using a local process for each task. It has the same effect as adding @batch decorator to all steps in the code.

Note that in this case the resources decorator is used as a prescription for the size of the box that Batch should run the job on; please be sure that this resource requirement can be met. See here on what can happen if this is not the case.

In addition to cpu and memory you can specify gpu=N to request N GPUs for the instance.

Using AWS Batch selectively with batch decorator

A close relative of the resources decorator is batch. It takes exactly the same keyword arguments as resources but instead of being a mere suggestion, it forces the step to be run on AWS Batch.

The main benefit of batch is that you can selectively run some steps locally and some on AWS Batch. In the example above, try replacing resources with batch and run it again.

You will see that the start step gets executed on an AWS Batch instance but the end step, which does not need special resources, is executed locally without the additional latency of launching an AWS Batch job. Executing a foreach step launches parallel AWS Batch jobs with the specified resources for the step.

AWS Batch tips and tricks

Here are some useful tips and tricks related to running Metaflow on AWS Batch.

How much resources can I request?

Here are the current defaults for different resource types:

  • cpu: 1
  • memory: 4000 (4GB)

When setting resources, keep in mind the configuration of your AWS Batch Compute Environment. Your job will be stuck in a RUNNABLE state if AWS is unable to provision the requested resources. Additionally, as a good measure, don't request more resources than what your workflow actually needs. On the other hand, never optimize resources prematurely.

You can place your AWS Batch task in a specific queue by using the queue argument. By default, all tasks execute on an appropriate Rocker docker image, unless overridden by the image argument.

My job is stuck in RUNNABLE state. What do I do?

Consult this article.

Listing and killing AWS Batch tasks

If you interrupt a Metaflow run, any AWS Batch tasks launched by the run get killed by Metaflow automatically. Even if something went wrong during the final cleanup, the tasks will finish and die eventually, at the latest when they hit the maximum time allowed for an AWS Batch task.

If you want to make sure you have no AWS Batch tasks running, or you want to manage them manually, you can use the batch list and batch kill commands. These commands are disabled in the Metaflow AWS Sandbox.

You can easily see what AWS Batch tasks were launched by your latest run with

Rscript myflow.R batch list

You can kill the tasks started by the latest run with

Rscript myflow.R batch kill

If you have started multiple runs, you can make sure there are no orphaned tasks still running with

Rscript myflow.R batch list --my-runs

You can kill the tasks started by the latest run with

Rscript myflow.R batch kill --my-runs

If you see multiple runs running, you can cherry-pick a specific job, e.g. 456, to be killed as follows

Rscript myflow.R batch kill --run-id 456

If you are working with another person, you can see and kill their tasks related to this flow with

Rscript myflow.R batch kill --user savin

Note that all the above commands only affect the flow defined in your script. You can work on many flows in parallel and be confident that kill kills tasks only related to the flow you called kill with.

Safeguard flags

It is almost too easy to launch AWS Batch jobs with Metaflow. A foreach branch with 1000 parameters would launch 1000 parallel Batch instances which may turn out to be quite expensive.

a <- function(self) {
self$params <- range(1,1000)
foreach = "params",

To safeguard against inadvertent launching of many parallel Batch jobs, the run and resume commands have a flag --max-num-splits which fails the task if it attempts to launch more than 100 splits by default. Use the flag to increase the limit if you actually need more tasks.

Rscript myflow.R run --max-num-splits 200

Another flag, --max-workers, limits the number of tasks run in parallel. Even if a foreach launched 100 splits, --max-workers would make only 16 (by default) of them run in parallel at any point in time. If you want more parallelism, increase the value of --max-workers.

Rscript myflow.R run --max-workers 32

Accessing AWS Batch logs

As a convenience feature, you can also see the logs of any past step as follows:

Rscript bigsumflow.R logs 15/end

Disk space

You can request higher disk space on AWS Batch instances by using an unmanaged Compute Environment with a custom AMI.

Large data artifacts

Metaflow uses Python's default object serialization format, Pickle, to persist data artifacts.

Unfortunately Python was not able to pickle objects larger than 2GB prior to Python 3.5. If you need to store large data artifacts, such as a large data frame, using a recent version of Python 3 is highly recommended.