Metaflow Resources
Here's an incomplete overview of Metaflow resources outside this documentation. Let us know on Slack or open a pull request if you find or, even better, create a resource that should be listed here 🤗
- Join the Metaflow Slack to meet the developers and users of Metaflow across hundreds of companies.
- Report issues on GitHub.
- You can also email us at
Deployment & Operations​
- A comprehensive guide to deploying and operating the infrastructure for Metaflow.
- Getting started with Metaflow tutorial, a part of this documentation.
- Additional tutorials, provided by Outerbounds.
- Metaflow how-to guides for tips & tricks.
- Effective Data Science Infrastructure: Learn to design and develop the full infrastructure stack for data science using Metaflow.
- Metaflow Office Hours - cool stories from companies using Metaflow.
- Metaflow on YouTube.
- You can start with this recent overview.
Find a more comprehensive list of Metaflow users and posts here. Here's a small sample:
- 23andMe: Developing safe and reliable ML products at 23andMe
- AWS: Getting started with the open source data science tool Metaflow on AWS
- CNN: Accelerating ML within CNN
- Latana: Brand Tracking with Bayesian Statistics and AWS Batch
- Netflix: Supporting Diverse ML Systems at Netflix
- Netflix: Open-Sourcing Metaflow, a Human-Centric Framework for Data Science
- Netflix: Unbundling Data Science Workflows with Metaflow and AWS Step Functions
- Netflix: Open-Sourcing a Monitoring GUI for Metaflow, Netflix’s ML Platform
- Netflix: Supporting content decision makers with machine learning
- Netflix: Scaling Media Machine Learning at Netflix
- Outerbounds: Various articles about Metaflow
- REA: Accelerating experimentation with MLOps
- Improving Data Science Processes to Speed Innovation at
- SAP: Train your model in SAP AI Core using the Metaflow-Argo plugin
- Softlandia: Distributed data science with Metaflow and Dask in Azure Kubernetes Service